Congratulations to FM Alphaeus Ang.
WCC run the West Auckland Secondary Interschool Chess Championship and 2020 marked the final NZCF West Auckland Interschool Chess series that Alphaeus would be eligible to play in. This was the 11th time Alphaeus had another picket fence result by winning every game in all rounds.
Alphaeus had played as board 1 for his school’s A (best) team from 2010 as a year 3 in the Primary division to 2020 as a year 13 in the Secondary division.
Alphaeus has won every game in all rounds through the years, having an unbroken perfect winning score streak through all 11 years of West Auckland Interschools playing as board 1 for his school’s A team through the Primary (St. Paul’s Primary School), Intermediate (Liston College) and Secondary (Liston College) divisions.
Alphaeus was also a junior at WCC and became Waitakere Chess Club adults champion in 2015 and 2016.